Friday, July 4, 2008

Walk is cheap sport, healthy

Walk, if conducted regularly can strengthen heart, with strengthen its efficiency. Practice by foot that conducted for a lifetime, purportedly also can degrade heart attack risk.

Also the things of by means of foot for fitness, experts health agree state if by foot conducted to your body fitness, then he will be able to strengthens muscles, ligament, tendon and cartilage, beside can tighten foot muscles. Special at young girl, by foot can slow down the happening of osteoporosis.

"If by foot conducted regularly, system in body of poison someone get with it in arrangement of blood sugar. In consequence, if by foot regularly conducted disease patient diabetes (diabetes), they will be able to lessen its insulin need", word Dr Sadoso Sumosardjuno DSOR (Doctor Spesialis Sport).

According to Sadoso, by foot also is ideal sport to care of body wight because can improve the usage of calorie, control lust eats and burns fat. If calorie amount that we use for by foot equal to that our we consumption, then we can maintain body wight. That not less important for you keeping in mind is fact that by foot can improve it-self picture and lessen depresi (hard endless) and dread.

Experts sport health equalizes sport by foot by jog, nevertheless encumbering at better body. When conduct jog both our foot lifted from land in each step, that can force our body absorber collision with power of 3-4,5 times body wights our. On the contrary, moment by foot, one of foot/feet always in the land and when foot and, its collision more or less 1,25 times body wights our. Thus wounded risk at by foot smaller. Other Difference, by foot give slower result is compared to jog. To get good result must longer time.

Improve oxygen consumption

Some research results state value aerobik sport by foot jolly good. Research in Wake University Forest North Carolina in 1971, for example, show the happening of improvement as high as 18 percent in the case of oxygen consumptions, and degradation of body wight and man fat middle baya that conduct program by foot for 20 week.

Other Research, that is research that conducted in Massachusetts University in 1987, report, 67 man percents and 91 woman percents that researched reach fitness top can getting the benefit aerobik from by foot.
So, if you have intended specify by foot as the sport that will you conduct regularly for a lifetime, better you shall have knowledge its practice frequency, its foot riding-speed, and also don't forget, you also must know how much the duration you conduct practice. that means, you shall have knowledge this practice measuring in order not to easy experience of injure and can improve durability (endurance) heart and blood circulation.

A week three times

Frequency that good to by foot at least 3 times within a week (is not at days that serially), nevertheless better if you conduct practice 4 5 times each its week.

Our Speed exercises even also must in intensive, its target to reaches practice zone, namely when your pulse reach 60-80 pulse percents meksimum (220 lessened age in years old). The average of networked speed a few faster than 6 kms per hour. Most of we by foot with speed 4 kms per hour. Labour you quicken a few in order to more useful to get value aerobik that enough.
Practice by foot better you conduct at least 20 minute in practice zone.

Nevertheless more and more old your exercise, the result of course will far better. In order to practice can be conducted safely, don't forget you better start it with warm-up, then continued with nucleus/core practice terminated with refrigeration (cooling down).

In warm-up better you street slowly during more or less minute 3-5. Its target to help body alleviates inertia by improve blood stream to muscle, improve heartbeat step by step till reach practice zone and lessen resistances at heart. In minutes early by foot you must give time to conduct mental preparation. Later don't forget, to conduct light stretchings for minutes. Stretching more effective if muscles already heat. This Stretching is conducted with slow. During stretching better you regularly. Stretching is conducted till muscle felt interested, nevertheless do not pain. If felt less delicious, stretching better immediately you discontinue.

Conduct stretching, you immediately step into nucleus practice, that is by foot with speed of practice zone. After old practice in our practice zone assume enough, you terminate practice with refrigeration. Its way, slow street and conduct stretchings as it was before nucleus practice around 10 minute. This Refrigeration will help you in order to blood not gathers in foot and can avoid debrises and ritme abnormal heart. In other hand, also to take care of muscles not becomes stiff that can cause soreness

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